The Poipu Kai Association (PKA) has established the Home Owners Design Committee (HODC) to facilitate the review of proposed building construction and remodels within Poipu Kai.  Owners are advised to consult the PKA Design Guidelines for the approval process and design considerations.  Owners are reminded that even simple changes such as exterior paint color must be approved by the HODC.  If you have any doubt what is required before you make changes, please contact the PKA General Manager.

All home owners and AOAOs must complete and submit the HODC Construction/Improvement Application (below) for all new construction, remodels or additions.  Work cannot commence until final approval by the HODC.  Consult the HODC Construction/Improvement Application for owner’s submittal checklist and application fees.

Please e-mail the HODC at for more information.

PKA Design Guidelines (Note: this link will send you to the document, which is located on the private side of this web site.  Owners need to register for access to the private side of this website.)
